Buy San Pedro cactus from Desert Plants Ltd right here in the UK!
Two most common methods of propagating San Pedro is through cloning (cutting) and seed sowing.
The clone comes true to the mother plant, which means it will be genetically identical to the plant, from which it was taken.
Compared to growing a cactus from seed, a cutting is a mature plant that once established with roots, will grow much faster and have a much higher success rate! For these reasons, cuttings taken from species like Trichocereus are one of the most preferred methods.

Here we’d like to share with you our method of rooting cuttings and hope you too will achieve great results! After all, rooting a cutting can be one of the most rewarding techniques to master!
In this blog we will discuss the method of rooting San Pedro cactus cuttings, how long the process should take and what signs to look out for, that suggest your San Pedro cacti have rooted successfully!
Before anything, make sure your cutting is calloused! This will prevent fungal infections and rot. All of the cuttings available on the Desert Plants Ltd website have been fully calloused and are ready for you, to go straight to the potting stage!

Method for rooting a cutting

Plant in 'dry' porous, nutrient rich, potting soil (e.g. 30-40% cacti soil mix and 60-70% perlite or horticultural grit)
PRO TIP: Initially plant in a transparent pot (visually see roots develop). You can always transfer to an alternative pot at a later date!
Plant the cutting deep enough so that it stands upright.
Place in a warm, well ventilated room and DO NOT WATER.
For the first few weeks, keep your cutting in a bright location, but away from direct sunlight.

6. Once the root system is established (this will typically take several weeks), you can start to increase the intensity of sunlight! Water as required.
7. PRO TIP: For the first few weeks, bottom water your plant to encourage root growth (in a shallow tray of water).
8. Water more during warmer seasons (depending on warmth/sunlight/dryness of soil/size of container)
9. Allow soil to dry out completely between watering.
Success is good, but failure is a valuable lesson!
Over the forthcoming weeks, pay close attention to your cutting! If you have planted your cutting in a transparent pot, you will hopefully start to see the development of roots. New green growth to the top of the plant, can also be a sign that the cactus has rooted and is attempting to grow.

If you find that your cactus cutting isn’t rooting easily, it may be helpful to place the pot in a shallow saucer of water.. just enough to wet the bottom quarter of soil (avoiding the actual cutting). The cacti should sense this water, which will in turn stimulate the growth of new roots, as it attempts to reach towards the bottom of the pot!
In the event that you notice signs of rot.....do not fear….do not panic! Remember, your cutting was taken from a larger mother plant and you
too could do the same and take a new
cutting (above the rot) and start the
process all over again!
Don't be afraid to make mistakes, turn your mistakes into a valuable lesson!
San Pedro cactus for sale at https://www.cactusandsucculents.co.uk/trichocereus-cactus